Review: DC Universe Classics: Raven

I'm starting to wish I'd ponied up the money to buy a Starfire when she was part of a two-pack on Matty Collector.I already had Beast Boy, Robin, Wonder Girl, Cyborg, and Kid Flash. With Raven, I now own six of the Teen Titans. Not too shabby.
If you're not familiar with the character, Raven is more or less DC's version of Phoenix. Both a bird-themed heroes with a frightening dark side, the power to destroy worlds, and an unhealthy obsession with dying and coming back to life.
Unlike Phoenix, Raven is the daughter of the demon, Trigon, who wants to rule and/or destroy the world. And, like all ungrateful teenagers, she's obsessed with rebelling. So, she set out and signed on with a team of young superheroes.
Then she died. Then she came back. Died again. Resurrected. You get the idea.
Anyway, while she's not incredibly well known outside of comics, she's popular among geeks. So, when Mattel listed her in a fan poll, she won the honor of being immortalized in Wave 15 of the DC Universe Classics line. Then again, her main competition was from Toyman, so it was probably a foregone conclusion.
If you're not familiar with the character, Raven is more or less DC's version of Phoenix. Both a bird-themed heroes with a frightening dark side, the power to destroy worlds, and an unhealthy obsession with dying and coming back to life.
Unlike Phoenix, Raven is the daughter of the demon, Trigon, who wants to rule and/or destroy the world. And, like all ungrateful teenagers, she's obsessed with rebelling. So, she set out and signed on with a team of young superheroes.
Then she died. Then she came back. Died again. Resurrected. You get the idea.
Anyway, while she's not incredibly well known outside of comics, she's popular among geeks. So, when Mattel listed her in a fan poll, she won the honor of being immortalized in Wave 15 of the DC Universe Classics line. Then again, her main competition was from Toyman, so it was probably a foregone conclusion.
Appearance and Construction: 8/10

Raven still isn't perfect, but she's a huge improvement over Donna Troy. While she's not a particularly complex figure, Raven represents a series of good decisions... with one questionable one.
The figure herself looks great. Both the skin tone and the blue costume look phenomenal (though I'd have liked sculpted lines between the gloves and forearms). The skirt is great, as well, flowing fairly realistically.
I'm a little less sure of the cape. There are a few too many creases here, and I think a more streamlined approach would have been preferable. On top of that, the choice of cape poses, while certainly appropriate, is incredibly limiting. There are a few options they could have gone with, and I'm not sure they went with the best. I'll have some more to say about this as the review progresses.
The only other nitpicks I can find are with the accouterments: namely her clasps and earrings. These are lacking complex detail work, and, as a result, they wind up looking more toyish than I'd like.
That said, this is a very nice looking figure. Her face is gorgeous, and, while it's got issues, there's no question the outfit captures her look.
I'm going to go with an eight here. I could make a case for a seven by itemizing the errors, but when I step back, it just works too well as whole.
The figure herself looks great. Both the skin tone and the blue costume look phenomenal (though I'd have liked sculpted lines between the gloves and forearms). The skirt is great, as well, flowing fairly realistically.
I'm a little less sure of the cape. There are a few too many creases here, and I think a more streamlined approach would have been preferable. On top of that, the choice of cape poses, while certainly appropriate, is incredibly limiting. There are a few options they could have gone with, and I'm not sure they went with the best. I'll have some more to say about this as the review progresses.
The only other nitpicks I can find are with the accouterments: namely her clasps and earrings. These are lacking complex detail work, and, as a result, they wind up looking more toyish than I'd like.
That said, this is a very nice looking figure. Her face is gorgeous, and, while it's got issues, there's no question the outfit captures her look.
I'm going to go with an eight here. I could make a case for a seven by itemizing the errors, but when I step back, it just works too well as whole.
Packaging and Extras: -1
From the outside, the package is the same as the last few waves. There's still a solid biography, though this one cuts off a bit early - she's actually been alive in the comics for a few years now.
Getting her out of her package is an exercise in frustration and pain. Her cape and the back of her skirt are separately fed through the plastic tray. You'll want a good pair of scissors handy; just be careful you don't scratch the figure.
Of course, I'm not about to penalize the toy for its packaging. No, that only happens when I feel like I'm getting ripped off.
Raven comes with two extras: a button and the right leg of Validus. Who's Validus? Well, he's an alien monstrosity who the Legion of Superheroes beat up once a week. Who are the Legion of Superheroes? Let's save that one for another day. Anyway, the leg looks good. Actually, it looks really good. Almost makes me want to complete the figure. Wait - it would cost HOW MUCH?!!! The button... not so great. I've said before that this is a good idea with poor execution. I appreciate the desire to capture a silver-age tone, but the muted colors just make it look faded. On top of that, Raven isn't that complicated and she certainly isn't that big. And there's so much they could have included, starting with some extra cloaks. If that was removable and replaceable, we'd be talking serious bonus points instead of a deduction. |
If that would have too much, why not some sort of magical bolt or blast? Or a crystal ball or book of magic or something? It's not hard to think of things Raven could have come with.
Play and Display: +1

The joints are straightforward: ball joints on the head and shoulders, pins in the elbows, knees, and ankles, cuts on the upper legs, biceps, waist, and wrists, a hinge in the stomach, and swivel/hinge hips.
All of that's more or less expected on this line. The elbows and shoulders were a bit stiff when I first opened her, but they seem all right now. The head sculpt is a bit limiting (as expected) but no huge deal.
The figure's best asset is her balance: the cape ensures that she stays upright.
There's nothing here that differs from what we're used to, but Mattel's generic body in this line is nothing to complain about.
All of that's more or less expected on this line. The elbows and shoulders were a bit stiff when I first opened her, but they seem all right now. The head sculpt is a bit limiting (as expected) but no huge deal.
The figure's best asset is her balance: the cape ensures that she stays upright.
There's nothing here that differs from what we're used to, but Mattel's generic body in this line is nothing to complain about.
Price Tag and Final Analysis: 8/10

I bought Raven on Amazon for $15.99, which is less than I've generally been spending for these figures.
That said, I'm starting to see prices fall on figures in this line: for the first time, DC Universe Classics figures are starting to appear on clearance.
I'd hesitate to suggest holding out for that in this case, however: Raven's a character fans like, and she's a pretty good toy. I wouldn't be surprised if she sold fairly fast.
Not that she really should, mind you. This would be a good toy at twelve bucks, but she's definitely overpriced at fifteen to sixteen.
Of course, I bought her anyway. Along with Martian Manhunter.
That said, I'm starting to see prices fall on figures in this line: for the first time, DC Universe Classics figures are starting to appear on clearance.
I'd hesitate to suggest holding out for that in this case, however: Raven's a character fans like, and she's a pretty good toy. I wouldn't be surprised if she sold fairly fast.
Not that she really should, mind you. This would be a good toy at twelve bucks, but she's definitely overpriced at fifteen to sixteen.
Of course, I bought her anyway. Along with Martian Manhunter.