Review: Star Wars Galactic Heroes 2 Packs
Ah, the glory that is late winter, with its dark skies and cold gray weather and sickness. And, less you think all is gloom, this is also the time of clearance. Well, one of them, anyway. If you're not stopping by your local toy stores this month, you're likely missing out.
This is not the first time I've looked at Star Wars Galactic Heroes figures, and I doubt very much it will be the last. Like I've said before: I love these little guys. They're not quite as good as the Superhero Squad versions, which come in far more dynamic poses and with better articulation (I've got reviews of those here, here, and here), but they are still absolutely adorable.
At better than half off, my wife and I picked up three packs: a Princess Leia/Rebel Commando, Luke Skywalker/Lando Calrissian, and a Grand Moff Tarkin/Imperial Officer. That's six figures, and we're going to tackle them all at once.
These are produced by Hasbro, by the way. If you're lucky, you can still find some of the older packs cheap at Toys R Us (look for the black and red lettering then head to the price checker). The newer packs with blue lettering are more prevalent, but they'll most likely still run you full price.
Appearance:Princess Leia/Rebel Commando: 8/10 |
The huge blaster and pack make him an even more impressive figure. Leia's fundamentally a simpler character, but she's still great. I'm giving this pack a score of eight, and, to tell the truth, I almost went to nine.
If I were scoring these independently, Luke would get hit with a six compared to Lando's eight. That's an average of seven for the pack.
But Tarkin? Come on, he's above getting into fist fights and shoot outs. He might order your execution or vaporize your home world if you get on his bad side, but he's not about to get his hands dirty. The imperial officer makes a little more sense with a blaster (since some officers were armed in Star Wars), but not much. These guys have desk jobs.
Packaging and Extras: ----
The packaging is fine, but nothing special. The newer packs are a little more vibrant, but the old ones were cheap.
While I could care less about appearances, I do have one complaint. I wish they'd make these a little less of a hassle to open.
There are no extras, so lets move on.
Play and Display: ----
If only these came with the articulation of the Marvel Superhero Squad. For some reason, the Marvel figures come loaded with joints and articulation that allows you to choose between poses. But, with one exception, Galactic Heroes give you nothing.
The only point of articulation is on Luke: the hand holding the lightsaber is on a cut wrist. Is it useful? Sure. Does it justify a bonus point? Not even close.
If the world were perfect, they'd think about making the weapons removable. I know that would be problematic in this scale, but it's kind of annoying that all of the figures are holding nearly identical guns in nearly identical poses.
Price Tag and Final Analysis:Princess Leia/Rebel Commando: 8/10 |
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